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Why CONFIDENCE is key as a bridal hairstylist

bridalhairstyling bridalstylist confidence haireducation weddinghairstylist Feb 02, 2022


In todays blog post I want to talk to you about Confidence

You hear it all the time, Confidence is Key! But why is that? What makes it so important that you are confident in your job as a bridal hairstylist?

Well, when you are confident as a bridal hairstylist, you will:

  • Enjoy your work because you know exactly what you are doing. So doubts are not an everyday struggle.
  • Share your work on social media and talk about it because you are proud of it. 

And people will notice that you are confident and they will see you as the ‘expert’.

Meaning they want YOU for their big day to do their hair. Isn't that amazing!?

Your confidence can grow by trying to focus on certain hairstyles and educate yourself on those. Don't try to do it all. Figure out what you truly enjoy and show that on your instagram/website/or elsewhere. 

Are you currently feeling confident about the styles you create? If so, great!!

If not, that is okay! But what is stopping you right now to take action?

Education and practice is key in order to grow your confidence. 

I would love to help you with that. If you have any interest in my online program, definitely check out Clean Bridal Hair Academy

In case of questions, please reach out!

Talk to you soon!

Xx Alice 

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